Hi Huns...
The prototype... what starts off as a simple idea...to a sketch...then reality...The powers of a seamstress aye...
Up until yesterday I hadn't properly sat down and sketched a proper illustrated drawing in a loooooong while...So forgive my disproportionate sketch...I'm just dusting off those cobwebs guys...Well of course...it's been sooo long...I forgot how therapeutic this all once was...So, you may see a few and more sketches here and there popping up on your Insta feed from time to time... Sorry....Not sorry!...Practice!...Practice!...Practice!...
The 'Red' fabric
Although I have toyed with the idea of all types of silhouetted dresses...But for this one...I've finally settled on the idea of an OVER THE TOP! dress...Hmm...Abit Like the owner then...Hehe...It will be a Floaty kinda dress to compliment this fabric and colour...Most deserving i believe...This one will have all the bells and whistles....YAAAS! We're talking tassels peeps!....Loads of tassels...I say no more.
Sketch drawn by Sewchronicles
Happy sewing Guys!
