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  • Writer's pictureSewchronicles

that's a wrap folks

Updated: Apr 19, 2019

Printed satin wrap top


Hi Huns...

Not to boast...But this was the easiest and pleasant make I've ever done...

This is one of the reasons why i love sewing, soo much...When you make a good pattern and get it right with a good fit and all...the outcome is literally like a Ahah...Aaaaaamen moment...One of my proudest achievements...

I like to think I'm a fairly confident chic...I used to find myself being a lil bit over ambitious when buying certain patterns with the star rate of advanced / difficult...knowing that i was just a beginner at the time...So novice!..Therefore waaay over my skill set....and then wondering why couldn't finish off the garment...Or got bored quickly...Or even temporarily parked it up...and get upset and disheartened by the whole thing...

The key for me was going back to the basics and perfecting those skills set first...As silly as it may sound...i needed to conquer a basic vest top or a basic skirt with no frills first and getting that completely order to move up to the next level with ease and confidence to champion on to the next stage...

Trying to move on waaay to quickly, can create many many unnecessary false starts and can easily put you off your beloved craft...I mean if you feel you can, then hey!...go ahead...knock yourself out...But my lil advise to myself back then or anyone starting off now... Proceed with baby steps...Familiarize yourself with the basic patterns first,...Meaning the easy / Novice and then Intermediate....then take it from there...


  • Fabric used for top: Printed satin fabric purchased from Walthamstow market stall

Happy sewing Guys!



PATTERN USED: Made using self drafted pattern by Sewchronicles


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