yellow canary jumper
Hi Huns...
Can you see me back there?!...Do you reckon my tops bright enough.....hehe...Those sunglasses wasn't just for swag...I needed them to shield me from this bright yellow top....but I'm loving it though....
Every time i put on this jumper...rain come shine...I just smile...its the simple things that makes me happy or maybe a sign that I'm way too easily pleased...Anyway...Do you find that you only use less than 50% of your wardrobe...if that....You tend to go to one particular section of your wardrobe or a neat pile draped over your bedroom chair or hung at the back of the door...and wear it...like a uniform.... so the same selection of clothes are on heavy rotation...Yea...STOP!...DON'T DO IT!...They call that a slump people!..a rut...cant be bothered...get out of it FAST!...
I KNOW...I KNOW!....I've been there...its just so easy to live in one section of your wardrobe and not exploring the wardrobe on a whole....Then i bet you did what i did...My excuse...I HAVEN'T GOT NO CLOTHES...HAVEN'T GOT THE TIME...CANT BE BOTHERED...Come on you and i know that's Utter nonsense rrrright!...I just needed to pay a little more attention, bother and time to the other neglected 40%, 50%, 60% or whatever it was back then...But on a serious note...you know that saying...you are what you eat...its kinda like the same for clothes...Dare i say...OK!...Lemme explain my thoughts....How i feel is how i dress...Now that's not all the time...But if your feeling a certain way...For whatever reason....At times your clothes can certainly reflect that...Well that's just my theory anyway...
Now...everyone is different...i can only tell you what worked for me...A different head space...Different pattern of thinking...Of how I'm feeling about myself or a certain situation....
I mean it could be anything ... But in the end its ultimately how i/you process that...For me Meditation...Daily Affirmations...Try and clear up whats around me as in my environment... stuff even people...whatever...Surround myself/Yourself with people like minded on the same wave-length or vibe as yourself...Now remember...this will NOT! work for everyone...Each to their own...
Well lemme stop now...before i go into another 10 conversations...xx
Yellow Jumper: Woolen from Neotrims purchased on ebay
Taupe skirt: Faux Leather from Walthamstow market stall E17
Happy Sewing!!

PATTERN USED: Jumpers - Raglin sleeve sweater 10/2016 - 114b Burdastyle pattern
PATTERN USED: Skirt Made using self drafted pattern by sewchronicles