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  • Writer's pictureSewchronicles

outside my comfort zone...

Updated: May 17, 2019

Black Long slip


Hi Huns...

On a scale of 1 to 10...How nervous do you reckon I was?...Well i was about on a 9 / 10 possibly...Why??

As much as i have grown to become the confident women i am today...And yes i say GROWN! because confidence, i believe comes over time and experience...Life lessons along the way...You've made the mistakes...You've fallen down...and you've gotten back up again...Therefore consistently learning and cultivating from it...And Not only that the life lessons of your family...Your friends and your elders!...That they share selflessly, to help, nurture, guide and in return a bended ear to listen and learn from it too...

But i must admit, even as a confident person...Being In-front of the camera was intimidating at first and nerve racking to me, back then...A very uncomfortable feeling...As's new, different...Something I've never done before...Hell!...i didn't even uses to like selfies...And now, it doesn't even bother me...

Another thing that played a part in being uncomfortable was being consistently in the spotlight in a very busy public area and all eyes are on you...

I mean, i was a type of person who would thrive being behind the scenes...Not forefront...Until 2018 when everything changed...I meet this fantastic photographer prior...Who was and is excellent at his craft...He was a breath of fresh air, Gave me a new perspective and at times did push me outside my comfort zone...But all for the good of me...

Pushing yourself outside the comfort zone...In which I had to do plenty of times to get reeeeal comfortable with uncomfortable for a lil bit...Is something i guess we all have to do in some point in our lives as apart of life....Which is Never a nice feeling but is always vital for excelling, personal growth and elevation...Where you achieve the unachievable!...

So what ever your situation is...Try to have the courage to reach and step out of your blissful comfort zone...You might even surprise yourself!...

Picture Taken: 2018

Just go for it...and Have a Positive day guys!

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