Hi Huns...
To all you accomplished knitters out there..i salute you...xx
This brown cardi was the very first attempt of me making anything remotely knitted...and actually worked...Meaning...i didn't have countless of attempts and false starts...Where i got inpatient and threw my toys outta the pram....You see the beauty of technology and how far we have come that the hard work has been taken out of it...All we gotta do now, is show up... buy the fabric and sew...
This is why i take off my hat to the accomplished knitters out there...As in my eyes it's deemed to be a tremendous skill...It requires concentration, patience and hard work...Well that's coming from a novice knitter...ME! point of view...But i guess with everything of beauty or even generally in life...does require a lil time...effort, patience and hard work...
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!...I can hear all you accomplished knitters saying...It's not hard work...It's easy to pick up...And my answer to that is...well i guess it's easy when you know how...
But nevertheless once you have patience or a lil time on your hand it is a good skill to pick up...I would have to say other than sewing...it is one of the most truly gratifying and harmonious not to mention therapeutic skill to have...Probably one of the reasons why i keep gravitating back to it time and time again...I will get there...and I'll tell yah all about it when i do...Toddles for now x
Fabric used for Cardigan : Brown Single Knitted fabric purchased from Walthamstow Fabric stall
Fabric used for Jumpsuit : Brown and white Printed Cotton floral fabric purchased from Walthamstow Fabric stall
Happy sewing Guys!
